quarta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2010

Musiquinha velhinha e gostosa, só pra ser feliz - Dance in the Old Fashioned Way

Gosto de música antiga, gosto da ideia de passado. Essa música é clássica e traz a proposta da dança que se dança juntinho, bochecha com bochecha. Ainda se dança assim? 

Won't you stay in my arms?

Just melt against my skin

And let me feel your heart,

Don't let the music win

By dancing far apart.

Come close where you belong.

Let's hear our secret song.

Dance in the Old Fashioned Way.

Won't you stay in my arms?

And we'll discover highs

We never knew before,

If we just close our eyes

And dance around the floor.

That gay old fashioned way

That makes me love you more.

Dance in the Old Fashioned Way.

Won't you stay in my arms?

And we'll discover highs

We never knew before,

If we just close our eyes

And dance around the floor.

That gay old fashioned way

That makes me love you more

More lyrics: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/c/charles+aznavour/#share

                                               (foto do site fofo FuckyeahFelines).

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